My Ultimate Treasure Map To $10KSee All The Adventures Along The Way!

Entrepreneurs Young & Old

Regardless, what your age as an entrepreneur, you can be successful, if....

Welcome to the Get A Clue Marketing Minute!

This week were talking about “Entrepreneurship” and this segment where talking about the Entrepreneurs Young & Old!

It seems, everyone seems to be rushing in to be one, as fast as second amendment citizen to a gun show.

I’ve been an entrepreneur since 1987 and I know that it takes knowledge and wisdom, to do it right and not lose everything you worked for, even though that just about happened, be that’s another story….

So if you’re just starting out, you need to discover from the older entrepreneurs , to avoid some serious pitfalls and loses. And if you’re an older entrepreneur say over 50, you need to learn the technology of the young entrepreneurs, that are crushing it with online apps and programs.

You need to know how to streamline your business, for the greatest efficiency, less overhead and faster service. So whatever age you are, if you are getting into the market, as a entrepreneur, and I’m not talking about, buying a store and just showing up to manage the shop and employees. Being an entrepreneur means finding work, fulfilling contracts, doing deals and everything in between.

Anyway, more about this coming up, don’t miss a single episode by going to
The Get A Clue Marketing and lets connect and share to those that really need to
“Get A Clue” on what to do about their marketing and their business!

Till then this is David Deke, saying ttfn!

P.S. Here's Some Fun Things You Can Do!

Entrepreneur Word Search Game

TEST YOUR Research Capabilities

How Fast Can You Solve This?

Wisdom Word Cloud

Get A Clue Marketing


"Don't Worry About The Rabbits...It's The Elephants You Need To Be Aware Of!" - David Deke

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