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Entrepreneurs Find Jobs Projects

Welcome Get A Clue Marketing Minute!

Entrepreneurship: Find Jobs & Projects

Hey guys, welcome to the Get A Clue Marketing Minute, this week we’re talking about entrepreneurship, and today, I want to tell you were to find jobs and projects to fuel your business.

Back in the day, before email, the Internet and apps, there was a landline phone, beepers, faxes and mail, that’s it. I remember the cold calling, the knocking on doors and the networking events. And let me tell you it was long and tedious, but, that's how we as entrepreneurs found jobs and projects back then. 

Today, the pitch is the same but your delivery is so much better and faster. Now you have LinkedIn, Facebook Groups, Instant messaging and so much more and don’t have time to go into.

But, now the playing field is leveled. You can compete as fast and as competent as a Fortune 500 company. If fact, you can do better, reaching those potential clients, because corporate America, doesn’t do anything fast. Customer service is terrible and takes 24-72 hours to get back with you and it seems, they are getting worst.

This is your opportunity to pounce on the competition, by engaging with your potential clients and building trust with them in a few short clicks. Give them so much value, they’ll feel guilty by not hiring you for their next project.

So here’s the today tip: Start the conversation going, by asking the most burning question they have in their field and answering it.  Join LinkedIn & FB groups and become a major contributor to answer those tough questions.

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