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Business Life On A Shoe String Budget!

Shoe String Budget


So, you’re working on a shoe string budget, for your business, huh? Well, good news is you will find a new service, from the”Get A Clue Marketing Show”, featuring your Press Release, Your Articles, Your Review, Your Sponsorship!

Ok, here’s how it works. You go to this website, called: “” – Then, review the Video Value Packages, available in all different flavors.

But here’s the thing, YOU can have a :60 second video made, for your website. Do you have a non-profit org. that can not get enough funds for a videographer, to digital video, so you can have a video on the front page of your website. It’s a MUST to have a video, on the front of your site!  Animated gifs are out, and video is in.

Also,  when you have a 3rd party Promoting your products or services, it gives YOU, more creditability, more power and authority, in your marketplace. If you want to dominant your nich, with marketing on line  !

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