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Annoying Online Video Advertising

Get A Clue Marketing Show


Episode:  107: Online Video Advertising



This Week’s Topic: “Online Video Ads” Love Or Hate ‘em!

You probably hate all those annoying online video ads, when you’re watching your favorite videos. Believe it or not, for the right audience and the right online video ad, comes a good result for the advertiser.


I just read a case study, on an online video ad campaign from Kraft. They spent $375,000 for a video ad, on Youtubes’ home page. Of course, they had Chef Paula Dean, doing the commercial and here where the results of that campaign.


50 Million People where exposed to the ad, 10 Million saw the video ad all the way through to the end, and 100,000 Clicked Through to the website.

Online video ads are all about, making more of an impact, to get the viewer to click through to your website. Well, you’d be surprised, how many people love them!

You could be losing a lot of business, by not using online video ads to promote your business.

The Get A Clue Marketing Show is Newly Reformed, Newly Designed And Highly Anticipated! We been tinkering with this show, since, we launched back in 2006.  Life gets in the way and haven’t been able to focus on it until now.



So, now it’s 2013, and the technology has changed, times have changed and one thing that hasn’t changed is CHANGE. We hope you like the “New” format and, feel free to subscribe and comment, as we move forward.



Who Can Benefit From This Show?

You – The Small Business Owner who has taken the risk of your life savings to provide people a service

You  – The Inventor who is trying to improve peoples’ lives with your inventions and gadgets,

You – The Author, Who is trying to sell and promote your books, after writing countless hours, of your imagination.

Whoever you are, it’s Important for you to “Get A Clue” On How To Marketing Your Stuff, So People Will Buy It.”



Facts & Stats: Online Video Ads

If you love facts and stats, as much as I do, you’re gonna love these stats, about online video ads.  Online Video is dominating the internet,  and billions of videos are being watched, on a daily basis.”

ComScore Stats: 

  • 13.2 Billion People Online video ads March 2013.  An Increase of 55% in viewership in 16 months.

  • 183 Online Americans (52%), watched 39 Billion videos in March.

  •  Youtube,  154 Million viewers each month.

  • Facebook by 63.8 Million viewers,

  • Vevo video site, at 52 Million viewers,

  •  Yahoo at about 50 Million viewers.

Who Wants To Read Anymore? So, hurry up and make those videos, to promote your business, your book or your brand, and watch others watch you!



The Book-Market Segment.

Since, we’re talking about online video and how it’s dominating the Internet, you want to check out these sites.


1st   is, this site gives you an in-depth look, of WHAT people are watching, HOW LONG they’re watching and WHERE they are watching their video content. Plus, you’ll be able to see the trends for each online sector. Are they watching on their PC’s, their Iphone’s or Ipad’s? Goto and find out.


Here’s another great site and that is If you’re are like me and like pictures and graphs, that tells the story quick and clean, vs reading text all the time, then that’s what offers. It’s faster for me to follow and see increases and decreases for industry information I need to know. You know like, which movie is doing the best at the box office, or the top 10 cable shows, or even marketing stuff, like which internet marketing strategy will convert the best? Where should you be putting your advertising money? It’s quick and easy to follow along.

DIY Market Section

How to optimize your online video for the Internet. To Optimize means: to enhance, to improve, and to boost, in order to get better results.

Step 1) Keyword Research Before Making Video (Google Keyword Tool)

Step 2) Pick Low To Medium Competitive Keywords

Step 3) Create Video Using Those Keywords In Script.

Step 4) Upload To Video Sharing Sites

Step 5) Optimize Using Your Keywords In The “Title, Description And Tags” (Place URL address 1st in

description box)

Step  6) Promote it everywhere you can for free.



Tip Of The Week:

Make A Tutorial Of Your Product Or Service, Explain Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) Show them what your product does that others can’t do. Or the difference between your service and your competition. Do this on camera and it will make more of a impact, than a blog post any day.


Ask Me:

How do I create a viral video, so I get millions of views, on Youtube?  Remember, if your video doesn’t get 10 million views, it sucks; because a lot depends on your niche and what they want to see.


Here are some elements that make a viral video.

1) It is usually funny. 2) Grabs your attention.3) Able to relate or appeal to the general audience (like, common issues in relationships,  everyday problems at the workplace, stupid things people do, knowing they do the same thing.  4) Being controversial. Having a strong opinion, against something or someone, for a cause. 5) Should be sharable. Ask yourself, would others want to share this, like this or use this? So that’s basically it for getting your video viral. “ALWAYS have a purpose”, beyond just having it go viral.

There are hundreds of funny viral commercials out there, that you would never remember the brand orproduct! Anyway, if you have any other questions, maybe we’ll feature them in upcoming episodes! Send them here at .

We hope you can apply this marketing stuff and start increasing your bottom line. Stay tuned for more and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to get “INSIDE Information” like free give-a-ways and links, that will profit your business.  

Update:  How Many Online Video Ads Will Viewers Tolerate?



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