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5 Reasons To Use Stock Footage

Free Stock Photos

You know there's nothing like, creating a post, an event or webpage, without using NO images or frills and fancy parts. When I browse the Internet and come across the 1990's version of a website layout, I cringe! Don't you? 

The standard BIG HEADLINE, small sub-headline, paragraph and maybe a tiny thumbnail, blahhh..

It's OK, I'm guilty of not update some of my sites back then, just too lazy to fix them right now, but, getting back to WHY, you should be using Stock Footage, be it - videos, images, photos, or music, it will save you lots of time!

Here's How I Use Stock Footage To Help Get My Message Passed Along the Internet Stream...

  1. Time & Convenience: It's so much easier to snag a photo or video, download -> upload -> Insert into post. You have the ability to SEO Optimize your photos/media, so you can rank for your media. You can edit the "title", "alt text", description and caption, all for your keywords...more on that later...
  2. Far Less Expensive Than Full Live Shoot! Imagine how much it costs for labor -> actors -> actresses - > Union fees - Videographers - Photographs - > etc, just for one shot,one commercial, on film? Just go to one place (ie. Stock Media Club) lol, and choose what you want and use it, in your finished work! 
  3. Motivating & Inspiring: I use stock footage because I want to stimulate the eye senses, to have the browser stop, look, and listen to my posts. Breathe taking images, photos, videos and music, combined into one, makes an awesome 'short film' that can motivate your audience!
  4. Going Viral: When you use stock footage photos and videos, with a little but of creativity, you can make some serious viral videos. Sure, most people seem to think, funny videos of your grandmother falling off her rocker, will grab a lot of views, but, honestly the motivational videos, I've been seeing, are getting viewers in the millions... See for yourself...
  5. You will ALWAYS NEED stock media footage, photos, videos or images, in business! Does your company use brochures? Posters? Powerpoint Presentations? Facebook Ads? Then, you need to be part of club, that you have access to, anytime you need a project done... Click Here..

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